MAFAP is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in
collaboration with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and
national partners in ten countries, among which is Uganda. The MAFAP project aims to help African
policymakers and development partners ensure that policies and investments in agriculture and rural
development are evidence-based and fully supportive of agriculture, sustainable use of natural
resources and strengthening food security.
From this perspective, the MAFAP project conducted a thorough analysis of agricultural and food
policies; public spending; and incentives and disincentives for different commodities of economic
importance. Criteria used in selecting the commodities for the analysis include their share in value of
agricultural production; contribution to food security; contribution to export earnings; and
contribution to reducing the agricultural import bill of the country. Based on these criteria,
commodities analyzed comprise maize, cassava, fish, coffee, tea, cotton, wheat, rice and sugar.
Some other important commodities such as banana and beans were not analyzed for lack of data.