Over the years several private service providers, NGOs, Projects, Government agencies and departments
have been carrying out training of farmers in beekeeping in their own ways without uniformity. In other
words there have been many different training manuals/guides being used by the different stakeholders in
the apiculture industry, some of which are sub-standard. This practice has for long undermined efforts to
enforce compliance to code of practice, standard operating procedures and quality standards in apiculture
industry, hence the need for harmonization and uniformity.
The African Development Bank and the Government of Uganda through the Farm Income Enhancement
and Forest Conservation (FIEFOC) Project, under Apiculture Promotion sub-component embarked on a
series of interventions which include among others, standardization of the national training document.
The project therefore provided funds to develop a national beekeeping training and extension manual as a
strategy to promote compliance to standards in beekeeping industry in Uganda.