Item Details

Title: Enhancing commercialisation of Non-Wood Forest Products: A case of bee honey in Kalinzu Central Forest Reserve

Date Published: 2014
Author/s: Kalanzi F., Kabonesa B., Turinayo Y., Nansereko S., Buyinza J., Kiwuso, P., Niyibizi, G
Data publication:
Funding Agency : The Agricultural Technologies and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS)
Copyright/patents/trade marks:
Journal Publisher:
Affiliation: National Forestry Resources Research Institute , P. O. Box 1752, Kampala (Uganda), NARO


Kalinzu CFR is renowned for its potential to provide Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs).
Collaborative forest management is practised in this CFR, and participating groups have selected apiculture along
with tree planting as the enterprises to be practiced in the production zone of the forest. Beekeeping provides
enormous potential for integrating forest dependent people into forest conservation interventions. It is a low
investment enterprise that can be developed alongside the core principles of environmental management and forest
conservation This study assessed the existing honey value chain in Kalinzu to identify key areas for strategic