Cotton production in Uganda face a number of challenges some of which are that:
In some areas of production such as Tororo, lcumi, Pallisa and Katakwi soils are
not fertile
Land preparation is mostly by hand and is very tedious and expensive. Not all the
Small-scale farmers have access to tractors, though a fair number can afford oxen.
Weed control is also done by the hand hoe and takes much of the farmers' time
and strength
Pests are a nuisance and difficult to control
These factors often contribute to the low yields that farmers get, although the quality of
Uganda's cotton is high in the International market.
This three-year project funded by the National resources Institute (NRI) and run by
Serere Agricultural Research institute (SARI) intends to investigate further and
demonstrate on-farm, the importance of IPM and ICPM in trying to answer some of these