Item Details

Title: Documentation of Operationalising the Collective Planning Framework for information sharing and communication strategy

Date Published: October 2005
Author/s: Action Research Peer Learning Group,
Makerere University
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
Copyright/patents/trade marks: African Highlands Initiative
Journal Publisher: African Highlands Initiative
Affiliation: Makerere University, African Highlands Initiative


The African Highland Initiativ (AHI) - Acacia II project seeks to find avenues through which communities in
Kabale district can be in a better position to contribute more effectively to their own development and
enhance the development process. An improved system and strategy in communication and information
flow is onebf thb QëñUOPi&iiöh hdiViIäF5iIifyöf communication andlthk 'withibTh tiôfiTOU rces
will assist communities in operationalzing their plans related to enterprise development and Natural
Resource Management. The hypothesis is that improved communication and information will step up use
of available technologies, decision making and hence improve the livelihoods of the communities. People
will be vigilant in looking for and using information provided they know what to get from where when
needed. Improving on the efficiency of information management through a "portal" where various actors
can readily deposit and access information, and providing a "clearing house' for well-organized "best"
practices and information, will enhance efficient search and use of information. The challenge then
becomes 'What system and strategies would lead to improved communication and information flow that
support enterprise development, natural resource management and therefore well-being of rural