Item Details

Title: Insecticide application to reduce pest infestation and damage on cowpea in Uganda

Date Published: 1998
Author/s: C A Omongo, E Adipala*, M W Ogenga-Latigo & S Kyamanywa
Data publication:
Funding Agency : Rockefeller Foundation Forum on Agricultural Resource Husbandry (Grant RF 93040 #13).
Copyright/patents/trade marks:
Journal Publisher: African Plant Protection
Affiliation: Department of Crop Science, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda
Keywords: farmer perception. insecticide sprays. insect pests. plant growth stages, Vigna unguiculata.


Field assessments were carried out in seven districts of eastern and northern Uganda to establish pest infestation of
cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and the extent of insecticide usage to control these pests. More than 60 % of the
farmers in eastern Uganda applied insecticides to control cowpea pests whereas no farmers in the northern region
used chemieels for this purpose. The extent of pest infestation at different crop growth stages appeared to influence
pesticide application, with mostlarmers spraying during the vegetative (30 %) and flowering (50 %) stages. and only
a few at podding (10 %). There was evidence 01 ineffective/uneconomical use of insecticides. On-farm trials
indicated that insecticide protection at all crop growth stages gave the best control. leading to yield gains 01 more
than 50 %. Spraying during vegetative and flowering stages was also effective. giving yield gains of about 40 %. A
three-spray programme (at vegetative growth. flowering and podding) was most profitable in the short rainy season
at Serere (marginal return = 6.08) and second best in the long rainy season at Kabanyolo (marginal return = 4.35).