In Northern Uganda, land disputes are the most significant form of conflict, with many escalating
into violence. The level of risk and uncertainty created by land conflict in the region is
unacceptable, and its potential consequences on livelihoods are irreversible. The burden of the
risk is forever shouldered by the poorest and most vulnerable in rural areas. This compelled the
researcher to conduct a study on the effects of land conflicts on Agricultural production with a
case of Adwari Sub County in Otuke district. The puipose of this study therefore was to examine
the effect of land conflicts on Households’ Agricultural Production in Otuke District. In specific
terms, the study aimed at creating a broad understanding on the triggers of land conflicts, its
effects on Households’ agricultural production and the cope up mechanisms. A cross-sectional
survey design was utilized, using a mixed methods approach together. Interviews were preferred
and these were used together with Focused Group Discussions in addressing study questions.
The study revealed that land is a major source of livelihood in Adwari Sub County. The study
also revealed a state of latent land conflict in the area with frequent manifestations of overt land
conflicts. The study confirmed that land conflict was impacting in terms of low and poor
production of both livestock and crops and therefore community members were relying on
restocking and external support as the attendant measures to the effects of land conflicts
experienced by community members of Adwari. However, bearing in mind the research topic, a
more detailed action research on land conflict and Agriculture sector performance needs to be
undertaken. Also government needs to; check the creation of more administrative units, diversify
her economic activities to increase economic opportunities, design specific development
programmes to counter the gaps of low and reduced production in both livestock and crop
production and come up with more livelihood programmes to boost households’ source of