Quotable Quotes: Biotechnology and Biosafety in
Uganda is the first publication to highlight the opinions
and words of notable personalities in Uganda, who
have added their voices to many, to support the
need for Uganda to regulate and/or use modern
biotechnology to advance its national agenda. Some
have appreciated that modern biotechnology has
a lot to offer Ugandans especially in transforming
agricultural outcomes, promoting sustainable
environmental management, and strengthening the
human and animal drugs manufacturing industry.
Others call for enacting the relevant legislation to
avoid unregulated introductions and use in Uganda.
The words of the people presented in this short
pamphlet, are words of champions for a nation
on the move; a nation that seeks to harness the
safe use of science and technology to make its
people healthier and wealthier. We hope that these
words will resonate to others and can become part
of a country-wide message of hope, resilience,
and commitment to uplift Ugandans, through
empowering citizenry to make informed decisions
for sustained impact.
Uganda is at the cusp of modernity and it is critical
for the nation to remain committed to grooming
talent in science and technology by harnessing new
knowledge for sustained progress.