The Eastern Africa Program Cereals Program (EACP) was designed to operate in seven
countries in Eastern Africa: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Somalia and
Uganda. Basic statistics for these countries in 1993 are presented in Statistical Appendix
F, Table 1.1. At a population growth rate of +3.0% in all but Somalia, regional population
will double over the next 20 years, from today's 154 million to 300 million in 2015. Ethiopia
presently contains 37% of the regional population. The proportion of population in rural areas
is 90% in four of the seven countries, including Ethiopia. While the natural resource base is
favourable for food production in large areas of the region, civil war, natural disasters and
negative government policies have resulted in severe food insecurity, low food production
growth rates and massive imports of commercial and donor food, especially in Ethiopia and