Item Details

Title: Uganda Agricultural Productivity Enhancement Program (APEP): Fourth Annual Progress Report

Date Published: October 2007
Author/s: Chemonics International Inc.
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Funding Agency :
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Affiliation: Chemonics International Inc.


This is the fourth annual progress report of the USAID-funded Agricultural Productivity Enhancement Program (USAID APEP) covering the period October 2006 Through September 2007. USAID APEP aims to expand rural economic opportunities in the agricultural sector by increasing food and cash crop productivity and marketing. USAID APEP uses a commodity and intervention selection system to idertify market-driven oppork nities and allocate resources; and to guide its selection of commodity focus and interventions. During its fourth year, USAID APEP focused on the following commodities: cotton, coffee, upland rice, sunflower, barley, flowers, vanilla and bananas (matooke).