Item Details

Title: Current Research trends on coffee wilt disease tracheomycosis

Date Published: 2000
Author/s: G.J. Hakiza and J.B. Birikunzira
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
Copyright/patents/trade marks: National Agricultural Research Organisation
Journal Publisher: Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Affiliation: Coffee Research Centre (COREC} Kituza
P.O. Box I 85, Mukunu, Uganda
Keywords: Coffee wilt; Fusarium xylarioides, research trends


Coffee is an important and leading cash crop in Uganda. Pests and diseases are among the major production constraints,
which reduce both productivity and quality of coffee. Coffee wilt disease due to Fusarium xylarioides Steyaert (Gibberella
xylarioidcs Heim & Saccs) on robusta coffee was confirmed in Uganda in 1993 in Bundibugyo district bordering the
DemocraticRcpublicofCongo. By the end of 1998, the wilt was confirmed in 18 districts, to the south and east of the
point of origin. Disease incidence varies from a few infected trees to over 90°/o tree mortality. The control measures
being implemented are sensitisation offarmers and civic leaders about the disease, urging farmers to cut and burn
ltfi'ected trees in situ, restriction of movement of on hulled coffee, a ban on use of coffee husks as mulch in coffee and
replanting on new land. Little information is available on the biology and epidemiology of the disease, which would
form a basis for formulating control measures. Considerable loss of trees and in revenue is likely to continue in the
absence of effective control measures. There is, therefore, urgent need to intensify research in these areas to identify
sources of resistance which are basic in formulating effective control strategies. This paper examines research
directed towards the search for durable solution to the coffee wilt problem.