Item Details

Title: Final Report of the Baseline Data Reconstruction for the Quality Assurance for Fish Marketing Project (QAFMP).

Date Published: 2013
Author/s: Odongkara, K., Bawaye, S., Akumu, A., Bwambale, M., Bassa, S., Olokotum, M., Okwong, C., Ochaya, H., Nasuuna, A., Naula, E., Namatovu, S.
Data publication: September, 2013
Funding Agency : Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA)
Copyright/patents/trade marks: National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) and Department for Fisheries Resources (DFR)
Journal Publisher: National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI)
Affiliation: National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI)
Keywords: Socioeconomics, Fisheries, Marketing, Quality assurance, Data reconstruction


A baseline survey for the project conducted in 2009 had gaps that could not allow assessment of project performance in the outcome and impact indicators to be made. This study was to reconstruct the baseline data, aligned to impact and outcome indicators on the project logframe and results framework, against which project achievements could be assessed.
The purpose and scope of the study was to reconstruct baseline data and analysis describing the situation prior to QAFM Project inception, taking 2008 as the baseline year, which was aligned to the project log frame, outcome and impact indicators; to collect data on current status to compare project outcome (and where possible impact) in improved fish handling sites in comparison with the baseline and comparable non-improved fish handling sites as control group.
The study was conducted through a secondary data search from sources at NaFIRRI, DFR and ICEIDA. Field data collection covered boat and gear owners, crew members, processors and traders, collected at eight project intervention and two control landing sites, covering 312 respondents through a sample survey. Key Informant Interviews were conducted with DFOs and BMU leaders in the study districts and landing sites respectively.