Over 90% of the population in Uganda depends on biomass as source of energy (MEMD, 2009). The technologies used to convert biomass to energy are highly traditional. Urban and rural dwellers use predominantly metal charcoal stoves and traditional three-stone stoves, at efficiency less than 10% (Okello et al., 2013). Thls puts Uganda's forests and its growing population under tremendous pressure. No-wonder, Uganda features a high deforestation rate. of about 2.2% (Nampewo, 2013). Adoption of energy conserving technologies such as improved biomass cook stoves could conserve energy and reduce environmental degradation. Thus, there is a need to assess qualitative aspects of stove performance and compare their impact on fuel consumption in households. The aim of the study was to evaluate the performance of improved wood cooking stoves for monitoring household biomass energy interventions in Uganda.