Bukedi sub zone is one of the agro ecological areas within Uganda’s south eastern agro
ecological zone (U’SEAEZ). A farming systems and livelihoods analysis study was conducted in
the six districts of Budaka, Busia, Butaleja, Kibuku, Pallisa and Tororo. The purpose of the study
was to generate an updated information and knowledge on the emerging farming systems and
livelihoods of the people in the sub zone and develop an adjusted research agenda that responds
to the current demands of clients in Bukedi sub zone. A Participatory and inclusive process
involving research scientists, district technical teams, local government leaders and development
partners was used to select the study sites and to develop a roadmap for collecting and collating
data for the study. Two sub counties were selected from every district each constituting either
wet or dry farming systems.. Pre-testing was conducted in Naboa Parish of Budaka district with
30 respondents. Enumerators were recruited and trained to collect data. FGD’s and key
informant interviews were also conducted in each survey site to obtain expert view and
information on various aspects of farming systems and livelihood options.