Item Details

Title: Factors influencing farmer’s seasonal variety selection criterion.

Date Published: 1998
Author/s: Mugisa Mutetika, M., Male-Kayiwa, B.S., Tukamuhabwa, P., Kirimarimo, P., Eyedu, A.H. and Ndaula, W.
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
Copyright/patents/trade marks: Bean Improvement Coorporative
Journal Publisher: Bean Improvement Coorporative
Affiliation: Namulonge Agricultural and Animal Production Research Institute (NAARI)
P.O. Bos 7084, Kamapala
Keywords: farmers, seasonal variety, selection criterion


In Uganda, fanners plant different bean varieties for various reasons. Some fanners plant one type while others plant
more than one type per season. BeaQ variety selection is one ofthe decisions farmers have to make while deciding
whether to grow bush or climbing beans, small or large seeded varieties. Knowledge of farmers criterion for bean
variety selection is necessary ifresearchers are to generate and transfer appropriate technologies. Farmer participation
in research activities has been suggested to enhance geneimtion of appropriate technologies. The issue ofwhich farmers
to participate in such activities is important since, the input ofsuch fanners is more likely to affect other fanners and
the outcome of research in the long run. Seed exporters identified in Rwanda regul^ly produce 300-600 kg ofseed
per season (Speriling CIAt 1995) whetiier this was a criterior for identifying such farmers as seed exporte is not clear.
Seed exports present but are avenue for building on existing seed system diat already link production to distribution
and hence keep down costs (Spering 1995). Identification of factors farmers consider while selecting different hcan
varieties to plant per season, assessing fanners bean production e^qjerience plus fanners criterion for identifying fanner
bean seed experts were major objectives ofthis study