Organic standards and regulations require the use of organic seed and/or
planting materials, wherever they are available. In the last few years EPOPA
and organic producers in Africa have been facing increasing pressure from the
certification bodies to use certified organic planting materials and/or seed. This
report was initiated by the needs of EPOPA, but the results should be useful to
all organic producers and certification agencies active in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The standards and regulations of IFOAM, KRAV, Naturland, Soil Association,
EU, USA (NOP) and UgoCert were examined to ascertain the types of planting
materials and/or seed permitted by them. However, in the absence of organic
seed and/or planting materials and under certain conditions defined by the
certification body, some do allow the use of non-treated seed. The standards
and regulations were also screened to ascertain their views on the use of GMO contaminated seed.