Item Details

Title: Analysis of the Factors affecting Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Production under the Out growers Scheme in Numan Local Government Area Adamawa State, Nigeria

Date Published: 2012
Author/s: A.A. Girei and D.Y. Giroh
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
Copyright/patents/trade marks:
Journal Publisher: Journal of Education and Practice
Affiliation: Adamawa State Community and Social Development Agency, PMB2110, Yola, Nigeria Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria, PMB 1049, Benin City, Nigeria
Keywords: Sugar cane, outgrower, Numan, Nigeria


The study was conducted to analyze productivity and resource use efficiency in sugarcane production by random
selection of 120 out grower farmers. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the production
function analysis. Results of the analysis revealed that majority of the respondents (60%) were males and 40% were
females engaged in sugarcane production, a mean age of 42 years with majority (69%) falling into the
productive age group of 31 – 40 years and majority 62.5% acquiring one form of formal education or the other.
Majority of the sugarcane farmers (90%) were married, majority (52.6%) having family size in the range of 6 - 10
persons with a mean family size of 8 people. Also, 40 percent of the respondents had fanning experience of
between16-20 years with an average farming experience of 10 years and cultivated a mean farm size of 1.5ha. The
study identified inadequate and late allocation of farms and inadequate credit as the major constraints of sugarcane
production and possible suggestions to overcome the identified constraints were made in the study.