Natural fertilizer provides the food needed for a plant to grow after a seed has
germinated in the soil. This food consists of plant nutrients. The most important
of these nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). There are
also many other chemicals needed by plants in small quantities, e.g. copper (Cu),
manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), sulphur (S) and others. These are
called micronutrients or trace elements. Natural fertilizer also provides organic
matter called humus for the soil. Humus is a black or brown spongy or jelly-like
substance. It helps the soil have a good structure to hold water and air. One of the
best natural fertilizers is mature compost because it feeds the soil with humus and
plant nutrients. The growing plants take their nutrients from the top layer of the
soil where their roots grow.