The Government of Uganda (GOU) has a comprehensive development strategy called the
Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP)/Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). It aims at
shifting substantial budgetary resources towards poverty-sensitive areas while remaining within
the overall resource envelope and the macroeconomic targets that were set in the medium-term
expenditure framework (MTEF). PEAP has four pillars: achieving sustainable economic growth
and structural transformation; ensuring good governance and security; increasing the ability of
the poor to raise their incomes; and, improving the quality of life for the poor.
The Plan for the Modernization of Agriculture (PMA) (MFPED and MAAIF 2000) was designed
to operationalise the PEAP via increasing the ability of the poor to raise their incomes. This is
through the transformation of the agricultural sector from being largely subsistence farming to a
commercially oriented one. The policy objectives are: increase incomes and improve the quality
of life for poor subsistence farmers, improve household food security, provide gainful
employment, and promote sustainable use and management of natural resources.