Agriculture modernization is a critical component of Uganda’s vision which is “A transformed
Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country”. In line with this vision,
the 2012 Agriculture Sector Annual Review (ASAR) was dubbed “A revolution in the agriculture
sector” after a recognition that there is need to overhaul the operation of the sector so as to
revitalize its role in socio economic transformation and national development. Modernization of
the agriculture sector in Uganda may entail among others a shift from the prevalent highly
diversified and subsistence system of agriculture to a more specialized and commercialized
system. This requires: increasing public investments in the sector; increasing production and
productivity, addressing environmental constraints including those arising from climate change
and idiosyncratic risks like floods and droughts; addressing land tenure insecurity; targeting good
agriculture advice to where it is needed; reducing risks associated with diversification to high value
crops; strengthening the farm input delivery system; strengthening institutions and undertaking
purposeful agricultural research.