Item Details

Title: BANANA PRODUCTION MANUAL: A guide to successful banana production in Uganda

Date Published: 2001
Author/s: Editors: Wilberforce K. Tushemerehe, Imelda N. Kashaija, William Tinzaara, Cadme Nankinga, Stephen New
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
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Journal Publisher:
Affiliation: NARO, ADC


Bananas/plantains rank highest amongst the most important food crops in Uganda.
Annual production is currently estimated at 8.45 million tons, accounting for 15% of
total world bananalplantain output. In Uganda, over 7 million people including 65% of
the urban population depend on the crop as their staple. It is estimated that 75% of the
farmers grow the crop on 1.3 million hectares.