Item Details

Title: Situational Analysis of Capacity Needs for Integrated Water Resources Management of International Waters in Uganda

Date Published: July 2004
Author/s: Dr.T.K Twongo
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The concept of international waters places Uganda in a multinational partnership of
riparian states upstream and downstream of her portion of the shared waters resources of
the Nile Basin. Uganda's upstream riparian panics are Burundi. Rwanda. Democratic
Republic of Congo. Tanzania and Kenya and the downstream ones are Sudan. Egypt.
Ethiopia and Eritrea. The entire catchnient of Uganda contributes to the waters of River
Nile, and is. therefore, part of the Nile Basin whose waters are internationally shared. The
report considered Uganda's international waters relations from three perspectives:
the basin-wide perspective, where all Nile Basin states would be involved;
w the regional perspective, which would include .members of a given regional
componeni of the Nile Basin. for example Lake Victoria Basin states; and
the bilateral perspective, which would involve Uganda and any of the other
riparian parties. The bilateral perspective involving neighboring states recognized
the local (district-level) sub-perspective I
A situation analysis was undertaken by means of literature review plus stakeholder
consultations and discussion to identify capacity needs for integrated water resources
management of international waters in Uganda. The stakeholders included various people
involved with water resources management. including government employees at the
centre and those with district administrations, people working with parastatals. nongovernment
organizations (NGOs) and other ci'v il society institutions.