Item Details


Date Published: 2014
Author/s: Evelyn Mugume
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
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Affiliation: United Nations University, Agricultural University of Iceland
Keywords: Land degradation, assessment, methods, East Africa, highlands


Land degradation threatens world populations today by causing hunger and poverty, and
especially so in the highlands of East Africa where the public has not incorporated land
management strategies. Some of these highlands have also received little research attention,
resulting in little available data to use for facilitation of good land use. Whereas restoration
interventions are being implemented, the success achieved falls short of what is expected
because actual degradation conditions have not been clearly analysed and understood.
Throughout the studies that have been undertaken to analyse the degradation situation, several
assessment and monitoring methods have been put forward. Through this study, several
methods which have been employed to assess degradation in conditions similar to those of the
Rwenzori ranges have been identified to assess and monitor conditions of soil and nutrient loss,
SOM and SOC, infiltration rate and land quality. The common laboratory, GIS and remote
sensing, field experimental plots, and modelling methods are applicable with minor alterations.
The use of indicators is important to all categories of land users, because it involves them in
identifying indicators of degradation, early warning and relevant interventions, and establishing
a sense of ownership that instigates a desire to win.