Item Details

Title: Polygamous Practice_ A Promise or Peril to Socio-Economic Empowerment of Lugbara Community in Arua District

Date Published: 2010
Author/s: Anguzu J.C Robert
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
Copyright/patents/trade marks:
Journal Publisher:
Affiliation: NARO
Keywords: polygamy; Lugbara;


The study on polygamous practice focused on establishing opportunities and challenges
such a practice can offer in achieving socio-economic empowerment. It was premised on
how efforts to achieve poverty reduction strategies as espoused in the Millennium
polygamy. The study was conducted in two sub counties of Aroi and Manibe in Ayivu
County, Arua District. As
constitutes one of the distinctive features of African marriages, including Uganda. The
study therefore sets out to establish the extent to which the nature and trend of
polygamous practices determine the socio-economic empowerment opportunities. It
examines the challenges associated with polygamous families as well as assesses how the
socio-economic empowerment within a polygamous context.
Using both qualitative and quantitative approaches of data collection and cross- sectional
design, the study established that although polygamy is on the decline because of
economic hardships and prevalence of HIV/AIDS, the practice still exists and is
cherished by the Lugbara community; men engage in polygamous practice largely
because of lust and perceived notion that women outnumber men; polygamous practice
affects implementation of Government’s socio- economic empowerment programmes;
development agencies undertake sensitization of people about controlling polygamous
practices if rural communities are to be socially and economically empowered.
incidences of child abuse, violence and neglect under polygamous families impinge on
a practice, polygamy dates back to biblical times, and
Development Goals (MDGs) can be compromised by cultural practices such as