Item Details

Title: Transmission dynamics and epidemiology of BSE in British cattle

Date Published: AUGUST 1996
Author/s: R. M. Anderson, C. A. Donnelly, N. M. Ferguson, M. E. J. Woolhouse,
C. J. Watt*, H. J. Udy*, S. MaWhinneyt, S. P. Dunstan*, T. R. E. Southwood, J. W. Wilesmith§, J. B. M. Ryan, L. J. Hoinville§, J. E. HiIterton11, A. R. Austin§
& G. A. H. Wells
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Affiliation: University of Oxford,


IN March 1996 the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Corn- pathies (Es) in rodent models'', sheep and goats120, tc date
mittee (SEAC) of the Department of Health (DoH) and Ministry there is no evidence that cattle genotype influences the sta.cept-
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) in the United King- ibility or average duration of the incubation period of BSF,'-'-3,
dom reported to government that the most likely explanation at although this remains a possibility. There is much geogra-thical
present for the occurrence of 10 cases (now 12 confirmed cases)u heterogeneity in the incidence of BSE per head of cattle in Great
of an apparently new variant of the rare but lethal Creutzfeldt— Britain (Fig. 1g), probably because of variation in the past Ise of
Jakob disease