This report covers a consultancy mission for USAID Zambia aimed at improving impactmonitoring
systems for Conservation Farming (CF) in June-August, 1999. CF, a term which
encompasses a range of practices aimed at improving productivity through packages of soll and
moisture management methods', is rapidly becoming the major thrust of the agricu_tural
development strategies of several public, non governmental and private agencies in Zambia. The
approach has a long history in Zambia, dating back to the 1930s (Malesu and Luputa, 1999). The
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (MAFF) of the Government of the Republic of
Zambia (GRZ) have operated a Land Management and Conservation Farming (LM.i.tCF)
Programme for a number of years with support from Sida2. The most recent effort is spearh.eaded
by the Conservation Farming Unit (CFU) that commenced operations in 1996 with support from
NORAD, FINNIDA and Sida. Currently, CFU also receives support from LONRHO cotton and
the World Bank supported Agricultural Sector Investment Project (ASIP) through MAFF. CFU
provides technical and logistical support to a number of Non Governmental Organizations
(NG0s) and private commercial firms who are promoting CF methods through extension, input
supply, marketing assistance and credit (in most instances) to farmer groups'.