Item Details

Title: Experiences with Managing Water Hyacinth Infestation in Uganda

Date Published: MARCH 2002
Author/s: NARO
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Affiliation: NARO, National Agricultural Research Laboratories - NARL


WiF.ter hyacinth Eichhomia crassipes, a waterweed native to South America invaded Lg3nda starting with Lake Kyoga in 1988, Lake Victoria in 1989 and spread to the LpDer and Lower Victoria Nile and Lake Albert. Infestations of water hyacinth comprised of stationary fringes along lakeshores and riverbanks; and mobile weed masses which were propelled about by winds and water currents in open waters. Peak infestation of stationary water hyacinth in Lake Kyoga occurred in 1994 when the weed was estimated to cover 570 ha along 60% of the shoreline Df the lake. There were no extensive mats of mobile water hyacinth in Lake Kyoga because it wes regularly dispersed and continually floated down the Nile