Item Details

Title: Improving production in the Teso Farming System through the development of sustainable draught animal technologies- LABOUR DEPLOYMENT AND DRAUGHT ANIMAL POWER (DAP) TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TESO FARMING SYSTEM: A Participatory Appraisal of the DAP Project Sites

Date Published: August 2000
Author/s: Agnes A. Akwang Julius Okwadi
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Affiliation: National Agricultural Research Laboratories - NARL, SAARI/NARO / NRI/DFID


Situated in North-Eastern Uganda, the Teso Farming System comprises of the districts of
Kumi, Katakwi, Soroti and Parts of Northern Pallisa. The use of oxen as a source of draught
animal power (DAP), as early as the 1920's, is an inalienable characteristic of this system
which gave it the highest cultivatable land, estimated at about 8 acres per capita (Parsors
1970). The increase in the area cultivated more than doubled the labour requiremems for
secondary farm operations such as weeding and harvesting. It was only n the 1960's. '0
years after the introduction of the plough that attempts were made to alleviate the labour
bottlenecks associated with planting, weeding and harvesting that the plough had createc.