Item Details

Title: Agricultural information Needs of Countries of East Africa: Regional Overview

Date Published: July 1993
Author/s: F. J. Wangeti & R. Ng Kee Kwong
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Affiliation: National Agricultural Research Laboratories - NARL, TECHNICAL CENTRE FOR AGRICULTURAL


The current Lome Convention recognises and emphasizes the role of agricultural information in promoting agricultdral and rural development in member countries. CTA has responded oy embar-:(ing on a programme aimed at strengthening itE support for agricultural information systems and establishing regional 55-6-5-1 wiat for promotion of-17Tij.-Onal cooperation and to bring CTA services closer to the users. Within the East Africar regi7O-F-7-17TA has initiated consultatiOns regarding the form CTA's fuzure programmes should take, as well as studies at national level to establish the agricultural infoLmation needs.