Tappear to be disisible into two distinct groups, the Ngaro and Pobar groups. It is. I think, to the former community that the introduction of irriga-tion into this area is due. Tradition states that the Ngaro clan (I use this word for want of a better) migrated from the northern or Sudan side of the
Iniatong Mountains from a place called Lukorongwo, where there still dwell to this day two clans. the Talango and Lolibai, who are culturally closely allied to the Ngaro. On their first :tali. al at the head waters of the Okura River system, they occupied the area known as Lapule from which they were able to obtain excellent views down the valley and early warning of approaching hostile bands. Their first irrigation trench, named after their village Lapule, was constructed on the hillside below the settlement. I think there is little doubt that this trench is the earliest irrigation work in the neighbourhood and although only a modicum of engineering skill was required to tap the Lonny. donyo stream (an upper tributary of the Okura) in order to initiate the flow in the Lapule dyke. it now runs automatically and is thus a good guide to the extent of the original undertaking.