The report covers progress tin- the period of the last two quarters. The activities tOr We I \\ quarters have been mainly to sustain production. The performance for the period was generally not good. Planned targets \1/4 ere not realized at all the three clonal nurseries. 5 clones have been sold to the public for planting 6(.550. GC796. GU578. ( it !7 and tU 8.
The target for cuttings was put at 660,000 and only 535.747 cuttings were realised. This led to a shortage of 124.253. which is 18.8% variance. Similarly, there was a 38% production of rooted
helo \\ ifie quarteri) target. 1 he nurseries planacti to produce 472,000 rooted plantieis but only realised 291,406 plantlets, a variance of 180,594 plantlets. The shortfall has been attributed to the Kifu nursery that experienced a lot of ramet mortality and very low