Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries around the world and, although
utilised in a number of ways, is produced primarily for consumption as a
beverage by more than one third of the world’s population. It is a major
commodity on the global market and provides a source of revenue for many
millions of people concerned with cultivation, marketing, export and
processing of the crop. Globally, Brazil is the biggest exporter of coffee,
providing 25 million bags (each 60 kg) in 2003, which accounted for more
than 30% of world coffee exports. Although many species of coffee exist,
commercial production is based principally on two, Coffea arabica and
Coffea canephora. These are often referred to as arabica coffee and
robusta coffee, respectively. More than 60% of global coffee production is
based on C. arabica. This species is considered to produce beans of higher
quality and therefore demands a higher market value. However, C.
canephora is better suited to warmer and more humid tropical environments
than C. arabica and, also able to withstand more adverse conditions, is often
grown at lower altitudes. Furthermore, C. canephora is generally more
resistant to coffee pests and diseases.