Item Details

Title: Opportunities and constraints in the subsistence production and marketing of indigenous vegetables in East and Central Africa

Date Published: June 1998
Author/s: Rudy Schippers and Nicholas Fereday
Data publication:
Funding Agency :
Copyright/patents/trade marks:
Journal Publisher:
Affiliation: University of lnstitut de International Institute for
Dschang Recherche Agricole Tropical Agriculture -
P.O.Box 388 pour le Developpement Humid Forest Station
Dschang IRADEkona BP 2008 (Messa)
Cameroon PMB25Buea Yaounde
Cameroon Cameroun
Makerere University Kawanda Agricultural Natural Resources Institute
P.O.Box 7062 Research Institute University of Greenwich
Kampala P.O.Box.7065 Central Avenue
Uganda Kampala Chatham Maritime
Uganda Kent ME44TB
United Kingdom


This report summarises the results of market and production surveys carried out in both the dry
and wet seasons in Cameroon and Uganda during 1997/98 as part of the DFID fimded project,
Opportunities and constraints in the subsistence production and marketing of indigenous
vegetables in East and Central Mrica (A0699). The main objective of the study was to
establish the socio-economic significance of indigenous vegetables compared to exotic ones.
This project is a follow up to the strategy paper on indigenous vegetables and the subsequent
workshop held in Lirnbe, Cameroon.