Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) is one of the most popular fruits in world priced for its diverse uses, high
dietary content and health benefits. Naturally adapted to cold conditions, apples require substantial hours of
coldness or at least climatic conditions simulating cold conditions to be productive. In Uganda, apples were
introduced in 2009 at experimental sites in western highlands of Kabale with scale up to Mt. Elgon region in the
eastern part of the country in 2004. Since the introduction of apples in the Mt. Elgon zone, there has been no
effort to document the performance in terms of growth, yield and even number of orchards, varieties as well as
number of plants. A survey targeting all the apple orchards was conducted in June 2013 in eight districts of Mt.
Elgon area to establish the status of apple growing and document the practices, challenges and opportunities for
apple production in the zone. A total of 26 apple orchards comprising 1312 apple plants spread across 14
varieties were documented. Major orchard management practices included weeding, spraying and manure