Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important source of dietary
protein in Uganda but current grain yields are extremely low. Beans are produced on a
variety of soils in south-central Uganda but the two most important soils for bean
production are the highly weathered Limyufumyufu (Ferralsol) and the relatively fertile
Liddugavu (Phaeozem) soils. These two soils vary in level of pH and fertility and
therefore must be managed appropriately. Beans managed under conventional systems
have a yield gap of about 75% due to poor agronomic practices, soil infertility, lack of
seed from improved cultivars, moisture stress, weed competition, and damage caused by
pests and diseases. The objective of this study was to compare the productivity and net
profitability of four bean cultivars grown under three management systems on Limyufumyufu and Liddugavu soils in Masaka District, Uganda.